This gives you points to use for your 'skills'. ( Name='NumPadNine', Command='givetalentpoints 50' ) You have to click F4 every time you go to a new 'adventure' in game. every time the weapon goes out bullets you simple This will give you in game when you push F3 assaultrifle revenant. ( Name='F3', Command='giveitem self revenant' ) We can add simple a new keybinding here, we just add it on the last blank line. This is where different keybindings which in game are used are stored. I will use as example 2 folders which you see on the left side of the 'Tree structure of the decrypted coalesced.bin'Ĭlick on the + on the left of bioinput.ini, then click on the + of sfxgame, and then on the + of sfxgamemodedefault.Ĭlick on bindings = (multiple) and we see on the right side keybindings values. Remark: the editor will make a backup of the original coalesced.bin the 1st time you use the editor.Īny second, third, etcetera, use of the editor will not make a new backup first. Which normally resides in (windows 7) C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\CookedPCConsole.
On top left we choose File open, and we locate coalesced.bin , I use ME3 coalesced Utility by Monochrome Wench for this.įirst we start of course the editor itself, which will show a empty window. Small Guide about how to change some things in coalesced.bin