Looking for more leaders? We have additional guides for the base game, DLC civs, and Rise & Fall civs! Just click any of these links if you can’t find the one you’re looking for in this expansion. These are randomized with every game and the only way to find them out is to increase your Diplomatic Visibility. Keep in mind that all AI civilizations also have a hidden agenda in addition to the default leader agenda. We’ve further explained some of the details as needed since the game itself isn’t always 100 percent clear. We cover each of these factors for all nine of the leaders below.
Each has its own leader ability, civ ability, unique unit, unique improvement, and leader agenda. But (almost) more importantly, it comes with nine new leaders and eight new civilizations. And you can read our full thoughts on the early parts of the game in our preview. Civilization 6: Gathering Storm comes with a whole host of new features and improvements - like the World Congress, global warming, and natural disasters.